Talent forecast 2024

Talent forecast 2024

This month’s We will look at Chinas’ effort At the National Financial Work Conference, Chinas’s leaders are finding a path to mend the fractured property sector so more opportunities will be created. It is to strengthen the president Xi to controls RRC $61 trillion...
AI and Automation in recruitment

AI and Automation in recruitment

AI and automation have significantly impacted the field of recruitment by streamlining and enhancing various processes. Here are some ways in which AI and automation are being used in recruitment: Resume Screening: AI-powered systems can quickly sift through large...
ASIA PACIFIC Global Talent Update – July 2023

ASIA PACIFIC Global Talent Update – July 2023

ASIA PACIFIC China has taken a multi-pronged approach to stabilise employment, scaling up support for fresh graduates, rural labor force, those in flexible employment and other key groups of jobseekers. China International Intellectech Group Co., Ltd. initiated a...
Asia Pacific Talent Update – June 2023

Asia Pacific Talent Update – June 2023

ASIA PACIFIC This month we are focusing on South Korea’s government who has been forced to rethink a planned rise in working hours after a backlash from younger people who said the move would destroy their work-life balance and put their health at risk. The government...